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Florence com' was is one of the museums more important in order to understand the evolution of the city during the centuries. Florence endured the more important stravolgimenti during the period of understood them of Italy the great part of walls and some historical quarters of the city came completely pulled down changing them face.


Great part of this "redesign" was entrusted to the architect Hills that if on one side it embellished to the city with works like the tree-lined avenue of the necks and the Michelangiolo large square, from the other for its design the city changed aspect completely.


There is from saying that ulterior and still more massive discouragements were avoid to you in great part from the protests of the English community that in the period caught up the two thirds party of the city population.


Once again, if ulterior monuments and artistic and architectonic beauties have been saved it is alone thanks to the good sense of foreign citizens and not for intelligence and the sensibility for a long time lacking in the city administrations. Currently earth is being constructed to a line of tram electrical worker outside that is transformed "Florentia", the city of the flowers, in one city of concrete and stones through the discouragement of secular trees also in order to make place to a useless and expensive plan that it only serves to rimpinguare the pockets of little "friends". Stavolta knows to me, nobody succeeds to stop them and is those that to words they want to save the planet and to render the cities vivibili. No controversy is only one objective ascertainment. Where before there were tree-lined tree-lined avenues now are alone concrete and the city becomes more and more warm.


The Museum

Realized in the former convent of the Oblate close to the Dome, to you they are found plastic first of all of Roman Florentia with the "Castrum" originates them that it renders the idea of as was the first imperial takeover, to square plant with crossings to 90°. Moreover recovered ritrovamenti are etruschi and roman during the diggings of the city.


To the Association of Bologna instead there are many plants and views of Florence from the Middle Ages until arriving to the ' 900. Between the many rappresentazioni also the 12 paintings of Utents of the Medicee villas of Tuscany that show us the primordiali aspects of the constructions that for successes to you embellishments, have arrived until we.

Via dell'Oriuolo 24
Tel. 055 2616545



Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 9:00 - 14:00.
Saturday 9:00 - 19:00
From June to September: Monday and Tuesday 9:00 - 14:00
Saturday 9:00 - 19:00

Info. and obligatory reservation: every day hours 9:00-18:00


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Porta Fiorentina

Florence, the Casrtum