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A few words.

The gallery was created from the Archduke Peter Leopoldo di Lorena in 1784 who with decree re-united all the schools of design of the reign in an only center. The Academy of design maintained to devised name and charter from the Vasari in 1561 and came equipped of one gallery of antichi paintings for the study of the young students.

The Gallery of the Academy, with to the instruction classrooms, was planned and risistemata in the 1781 from Caspar Paoletti Maria. In before it knows it offer to alla.vista the model originates them in chalk of the Giambologna for the marmorea sculpture of the Rape of the Sabine (Loggia of the Lanzi) and works of manieristi of the ' 500.

From some year it accommodates celeberrima the statue of the David di Michelangelo.

To the walls, behind the Prisons and the Saint Matteo always of Buonarroti (1505), the tapestries fiamminghi with the History of the Genesis are noticed, on cardboards of Van Orley (1552). Ahead to right the Mercy is found, dictates of Palestrina, second many critics us work not of Michelangelo but of its school.


On the right we find a series of knows them where finds the famous Cassone Adimari, representing an elegant wedding corteo in public square of the Dome, executed from Giovanni of ser Giovanni, brother of Masaccio (1420 ca.), one Madonna with Child probably attributed to the Botticelli, works of artists fiorentini and the Perugino.


On left one it knows it with one immense gipsoteca of from Tuscany artists of the 800. Before the escape, some know them with works of the ' 200 and the ' 300, between which many and important paintings of students of Giotto: the Maddalena of the Master omonimo, the Mercy of Giovanni from Milan (1365), the History of Saint Francisco and Christ di Taddeo Gaddi. A last one knows risen it offers one beautiful collection of painters bizantini and fiorentini of mededesima the age.


Opening: from tuesday to Sunday, hours 8,15-18,50

The Gallery of the Academy will extend puts into effect it them hour of opening:
every friday until hours 22.00
The serali openings will begin from 1° the 30 July 2007 and will finish september 2007

From the 19 june 2007, in occasion of the extension sonorous Wonders. Musical instruments of the Italian Baroque, the Gallery of the Academy will be opened free of charge to the every public tuesday from hours 19,00 to hours 22.00
In occasion of the concerts the visit in Gallery finishes to hours 21,00

Closing:ì, Mondays, 1° day of the year, 1-may, Christmas

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